What If vs. What Is


Before I start: I’m doing a thing, Live in Philly next Thursday…for real 

NOW, I was on a date with my wife this past week when she blew my mind and said “I don’t want to live in the “what if”, I want to live in the “what is”. WOW! I immediately told her I was stealing that for this week's podcast, LOL

So many people spend their lives thinking about what “could be” and never find contentment with what they already have. Not a very healthy or happy way to live. But then, I thought about it from the other side…if everyone was so content with the way things are, then we would never innovate and improve. It's the very basis of entrepreneurship…(((mind blown again))). 

So what is the best way to look at things? The answer is BOTH. The tricky part is knowing when to deploy each. That only comes with a healthy perspective…or CLARITY on when you fall out of balance on the two. That’s when it becomes toxic to you and those around you. 

I hope this episode helps you think meaningfully about this apparent paradox in a way that allows you to give, serve, innovate, and ENJOY this gift of life. 

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