High Risk Vs. High Reward


So I decided to do it. Take a big swing in a time when most people are protecting the plate. (In baseball, ‘protecting the plate’ is basically a half-swing that’s primary purpose is to NOT get a strike). I decided to host a live, in-person event in Philly in a time when all the other events in the Automotive Industry have been cancelled. (P.S. You should come and hang out 🤣)

I believe that this could be one of those “flag in the ground” moments. This could be a symbolic gesture that inspires and encourages an industry and beyond! But just like every big swing, it could miss the mark.

It’s a brave, new world where the old formulas just don’t work anymore and you can either wait for someone else to figure out the new way, or get busy figuring it out yourself. Sure, it might not work like you planned. Sure, the people you THOUGHT were innovative will take a step back because they aren’t as all-in as they’ve been saying. Sure, you’ll have to sign for a venue, and food, and camera crew, and swag before you’ve locked in attendance…oh wait, that’s me. 🙂

I’m standing here in the midst of the pre-game jitters as I write this, and I know many of you are in the different areas of your lives, too. New careers, new places, new parenting styles, new skill sets, and new risks are a part of our lives now. What are YOU going to do about it?

Are you going to take a big swing…or protect the plate?

I’m not even advocating for one or the other. Both are ways to play the game. What I hope is that you get CLARITY on what you really want and embrace that decision with all your heart.

It’s great to be in the game with YOU!

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