When Things DON'T Go Your Way


Clarity Fam,

Good morning and HAPPY MAY! I'm pretty sure I've never wished anyone a "Happy May" before, but since its the beginning of a new quarter and the weather in Upstate NY has been stunning, it seemed appropriate.

This morning, however, my week was greeted with an email I didn't want. Someone whom we've been wanting to hire for a critical position in one of my companies decided not to join. Now the reasons were understandable and this person really seemed like if the situation was different, they would have made the move. However, it is all the same to the fact that we still have a big gap.

What would my next move be. Will I let it dictate the rest of my morning, day, or week? THESE are the moments I'm focusing on in today's episode.

So if you are having a hard time with something threatening your trajectory, this one's for you.

Pursue Clarity,
