The Difference Between GET To, HAVE To, and CHOOSE To


Lately, it’s been really easy to think about things we HAVE to do; like wearing a mask, working remotely, eating at home, educating our kids, staying up to date on every piece of new news…

Feeling stressed yet? 

No wonder the United States is facing some of the highest levels of stress, anxiety, addiction, depression, obesity, divorce, heart disease, suicide, and consumer debt in the world. Why does a country with so much freedom succumb so much bondage?

I believe we can find some answers and real RELIEF by understanding the differences between what we HAVE to do, what we GET to do, and what we CHOOSE to do.

One makes us a victim. One makes us a beneficiary. One makes us intentional participants.

Let’s make decisions that bring us more fulfillment and purpose together.

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