Is Clubhouse the New Podcasting?


I hope your 2021 is off to a great start! Before I get into the episode, I want you to be one of the first to know that I’m partnering with Simon Sinek, NYT bestseller of ’Start With Why,” “Leaders Eat Last,” and the creator of one of the most legendary TED talks.

I’ll be teaching a new course, “Branding to Make Your Business Invincible” in his online classroom, Inspire U. You can register for the class here. I hope to see you there!

Now onto the episode. This week I’m diving into the hot, new, audio-only social media platform, Clubhouse. It is the only social media platform you can engage passively and I literally spent dozens of hours on the platform over the last week. (Here’s a great summary I found)

Oh, and it’s invite only. Oh, and it’s only on iOS. What!!!???

Sure, any new platform can soar, or fizzle out. My bet is that Clubhouse is here to stay. If you join, look me up @pauljdaly

Get that CLARITY.

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